Content Marketing Plan Phases

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Content Marketing Plan Phases

The content marketing plan is a strategic plan that helps to achieve the objectives of the company or organization. There are four phases in our content marketing plan, which are pre-production, production, post-production and publication.

  • Pre-production phase: This is where we set up all the things related to your content before it is published.
  • Production phase: This refers to the process of creating your content for publication on any platform.
  • Post-production phase: This is where you make adjustments to your published content to optimize it.
  • Publishing phase: In this process we take care of distributing or sharing your published content with target audiences.
Content Marketing Plan Phases 1
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New content, new customers. The best way to attract your target audience

How we define the content for the purchase phases

The content of the purchase phases of the customer journey is often used to inform the customer about what to buy, where to find it and how much it costs.

The content you create should be tailored to each stage of the purchase funnel (awareness, consideration and conversion). Gecko Studio’s content marketing specialists understand how customers go through these stages in their buying process and what content they need at each step.

Purchase phase content is often used to help customers make a buying decision. As agency copywriters we create informative and attractive content for the client, based on their interests and needs.

It is important for companies to understand that there is no set sequence of purchase phases or steps in an e-commerce site or application, as this will vary from company to company.

Content for each customer

We offer personalized marketing plans to suit any business, from start-ups to established brands. We take care of everything from defining the content for the buying phases to creating an editorial calendar and writing the content, so you can focus on what’s most important: Your business!

Don’t worry about traffic, we are experts in optimizing your content for search engines. With our optimized pages, we make sure you get the most out of every click.

Phases we use to create a content marketing plan

Content Marketing Plan Phases 2

Keyword search

You know your audience’s needs and the type of content they want, but how do you find the right words to use? Instead of trying to come up with a compelling title or a compelling blog post title, our content marketing plan offers a simple solution: let us do the work for you!

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Create an editorial calendar

An editorial calendar is a tool we use to organize content ideas and publications in order to produce a coherent content strategy and facilitate the content creation process. They can be used by all types of organizations, whether it is an advertising agency, a blog or a small business.

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Writing the contents

We decide what the objective of the content is: should it be informative or entertaining? We also pay attention to tone of voice, as this can greatly affect how readers feel about the content. It should also have a clear structure, as this helps guide readers through the article or blog post.

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SEO Optimization

We focus on boosting your website’s ranking in search engines for specific keywords. There are many factors that we take into account when optimizing content for SEO:

  • Title tags
  • Meta descriptions
  • Headlines
  • Image alternative text
  • Keyword density
  • Page speed

And more!

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Layout and publish content

Content design on a website is the process of organizing pages, blocks and modules to make sure they are easy to navigate. We layout your content in a way that makes it easy for users to find what they need. It’s not just about aesthetics, it’s about effective web design.

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Analyze the results

To measure the success of a content marketing plan, it is necessary to have a precise idea of the most revealing metrics. If you have a small budget and need to maximize your return, we will look for metrics where you spend less and get more results.

Already convinced?

New content, new customers. The best way to attract your target audience

Frequently asked questions before contracting a content marketing plan

¿Quieres contratar alguno de nuestros planes?

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¿Tienes alguna duda?

En Gecko Studio te asesoramos sobre el plan más adecuado para tu empresa en función de tu mercado.

De conformidad con las normativas de protección de datos, le facilitamos la siguiente información del tratamiento:
Fines del tratamiento: mantener una relación comercial y enviar comunicaciones de productos o servicios
Derechos que le asisten: acceso, rectificación, portabilidad, supresión, limitación y oposición
Más información del tratamiento en la Política de privacidad

Would you like to sign up for one of our plans?

You choose, You decide

Do you have any doubts?

At Gecko Studio we advise you on the most suitable plan for your company depending on your market.

In accordance with data protection regulations, we provide you with the following processing information: Responsible: DIGITEC IBIZA INFORMATICA, S.L. Purpose of processing: to maintain a commercial relationship and send communications about products or services Rights you have: access, rectification, portability, deletion, limitation and opposition
More information on the treatment can be found in the Privay policy

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You choose,
You decide

Do you have any doubts?

At Gecko Studio we adapt to your needs. We are professionals in the web world and we are happy to find the best solutions for each company.

In accordance with data protection regulations, we provide you with the following processing information: Responsible: DIGITEC IBIZA INFORMATICA, S.L. Purpose of processing: to maintain a commercial relationship and send communications about products or services Rights you have: access, rectification, portability, deletion, limitation and opposition
More information on the treatment can be found in the Privay policy

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