Social Media o Redes Sociales ¿Qué son?

Diccionario Gecko
Gecko Studio es una empresa de creación y diseño de páginas webs, tiendas online y posicionamiento SEO ubicada en Ibiza.
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Social Media o Redes Sociales ¿Qué son? 1

What are Social Networks?

Social networking is a computer technology that facilitates the exchange of information, ideas and thoughts through virtual communities. Social networks are based on the Internet and offer users a form of instant communication of messages and content.

The content of social networks typically includes personal information, documents and multimedia content such as photos or videos. Users access the networks via smart devices with an internet connection or through web applications.

Number of social network users

Currently, social networks are the most massive means of communication and relationship for people and companies, such is their massiveness that in 2021 there will be 4.2 billion active users. This number represents more than 50% of the global population, and a large part of its growth is still to come, since many developing societies do not have the necessary technology to access it.


  1. Facebook has 2740 million active users
  2. Youtube has more than 2291 million active users.
  3. Instagram, part of the Facebook company, has 1221 million active users.
  4. LinkedIn has 728 million active users.
  5. Twitter, 353 million active users.

Social media marketing

Social media marketing is defined as the process of promoting and communicating the company to potential customers through the main social media platforms. Within social media marketing we can distinguish between corporate social media management and social media advertising.

Corporate social network management

It consists of the creation, publication and promotion of content and images in the main social media channels. The objective is to reach the company’s target audience and generate trust (engagement) through the publication of attractive infographic content.

Advertising on Social Networks

It is to make advertisements on social networks to direct traffic to an external destination of these, such as a website or e-commerce.

We recommend hiring the services of an agency specialized in social networks for your company.

¿Tiene en mente un proyecto Web y/o de Marketing?
El equipo de Gecko Studio está aquí para ayudarte.

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¿Tienes alguna duda?

En Gecko Studio te asesoramos sobre el plan más adecuado para tu empresa en función de tu mercado.

De conformidad con las normativas de protección de datos, le facilitamos la siguiente información del tratamiento:
Fines del tratamiento: mantener una relación comercial y enviar comunicaciones de productos o servicios
Derechos que le asisten: acceso, rectificación, portabilidad, supresión, limitación y oposición
Más información del tratamiento en la Política de privacidad

Would you like to sign up for one of our plans?

You choose, You decide

Do you have any doubts?

At Gecko Studio we advise you on the most suitable plan for your company depending on your market.

In accordance with data protection regulations, we provide you with the following processing information: Responsible: DIGITEC IBIZA INFORMATICA, S.L. Purpose of processing: to maintain a commercial relationship and send communications about products or services Rights you have: access, rectification, portability, deletion, limitation and opposition
More information on the treatment can be found in the Privay policy

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You choose,
You decide

Do you have any doubts?

At Gecko Studio we adapt to your needs. We are professionals in the web world and we are happy to find the best solutions for each company.

In accordance with data protection regulations, we provide you with the following processing information: Responsible: DIGITEC IBIZA INFORMATICA, S.L. Purpose of processing: to maintain a commercial relationship and send communications about products or services Rights you have: access, rectification, portability, deletion, limitation and opposition
More information on the treatment can be found in the Privay policy

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