
Book your free first appointment


Do you want to be part of Gecko Studio’s team of partners?

Gecko Studio is constantly growing. Our services are distributed in areas of great interest such as programming, web development, graphic design, video, animation, Copywriters, Community Management and SEO & SEM. Do you have a client who needs any of our services and gain in your collaboration? Contact us.

Who is our collaboration service aimed at?

  • Freelancers and collaborating establishments: Companies related to the sector that are not offering this service and want to expand without compromise the range of products to offer to their customers, receiving a commission for each sale made.
  • Partners on commission: commission per closed sale in a wide range of services.

Tell us your proposal

Complete the following form explaining the special features of your project and we will get in touch with you.

¿Quieres contratar alguno de nuestros planes?

Tú eliges, Tú decides

¿Tienes alguna duda?

En Gecko Studio te asesoramos sobre el plan más adecuado para tu empresa en función de tu mercado.

De conformidad con las normativas de protección de datos, le facilitamos la siguiente información del tratamiento:
Fines del tratamiento: mantener una relación comercial y enviar comunicaciones de productos o servicios
Derechos que le asisten: acceso, rectificación, portabilidad, supresión, limitación y oposición
Más información del tratamiento en la Política de privacidad

Would you like to sign up for one of our plans?

You choose, You decide

Do you have any doubts?

At Gecko Studio we advise you on the most suitable plan for your company depending on your market.

In accordance with data protection regulations, we provide you with the following processing information: Responsible: DIGITEC IBIZA INFORMATICA, S.L. Purpose of processing: to maintain a commercial relationship and send communications about products or services Rights you have: access, rectification, portability, deletion, limitation and opposition
More information on the treatment can be found in the Privay policy

Do you prefer our form
or a visit?

You choose,
You decide

Do you have any doubts?

At Gecko Studio we adapt to your needs. We are professionals in the web world and we are happy to find the best solutions for each company.

In accordance with data protection regulations, we provide you with the following processing information: Responsible: DIGITEC IBIZA INFORMATICA, S.L. Purpose of processing: to maintain a commercial relationship and send communications about products or services Rights you have: access, rectification, portability, deletion, limitation and opposition
More information on the treatment can be found in the Privay policy

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