WordPress Maintenance: Business Service

Achieve your goals with cost-efficient WordPress hosting solutions.

At Gecko Studio we are aware that Wordpress maintenance is much more than keeping a backup and plugins updated. Any user with a little experience can perform these tasks.

Checking the correct functioning of your installation, repairing compatibilities, adding or changing content is another matter altogether. To this you can add tasks for which the user level is no longer sufficient and you need experienced staff to optimize your website in relevant factors such as loading or your landing page.

Our process

We choose to deepen our relationship with our customers, observing buyer behavior and ensuring flawless performance to achieve their business objectives.

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Your Plan

We will define objectives for your website highlighting your strengths and analyzing the competition.

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Sharing knowledge

We will work on the design of your website to adapt it to the corporate image of your brand or company.

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You can add tasks for which the user level is no longer sufficient and you need experienced staff to optimize your website on such relevant factors as loading speed or your home page.

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Content modification in WordPress Maintenance?

A content edit is anything that takes no more than the time allotted for each plan to resolve and can generally be handled within the admin panel of your WordPress site.

For example: Adding or editing content such as blog posts, WooCommerce products, pages, etc., editing menus and widgets, installing and activating plugins, and much more.

Do you have more complex problems? Don’t worry! We are happy to solve more complicated problems and then discuss what kind of resolutions we can offer to best suit your needs. At Gecko Studio we offer services of websites design, graphic design, SEO and SEM. Además te ofrecemos quality and original content to attract potential customers to your company.

Condiciones de aplicación del Mantenimiento WordPressWordPress Maintenance Terms of Use

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WordPress Maintenance Plans Pricing

WordPress is probably the most popular content management system. It has been estimated that 30 percent of sites worldwide use it, so do you need a WordPress Ibiza maintenance plan? If you have experience, time and consistency, you may not need it, but if not, check out our maintenance plan prices. WordPress offers the advantage that its code is public and free, so it is available to everyone, regardless of their intentions. Because of its level of diffusion and ease of study, security flaws are being detected. Fortunately, a large community of users and programmers invest their time in detecting and repairing vulnerabilities in the system.

To do this, the developer community provides constant updates, both for the management system and for themes and plugins. Keeping our WordPress website updated is a fundamental process to prevent our website from being hacked. This type of intrusions can seriously damage the image of our company, because in addition to the lack of customer acquisition, we can be hosting all kinds of criminal and fraudulent activities that circulate on the network.

Basic Maintenance

50 /month
  • CORE Upgrades
  • Free plugin updates*
  • Free template upgrades*
  • Disaster recovery
  • Remote monitoring
  • Monthly backup
  • 6 hours of modifications per year
  • 24-hour response time

Professional Maintenance

100 /month
  • CORE Upgrades
  • Free and premium plugins upgrades*
  • Free and premium template upgrades*
  • Disaster recovery
  • 1 landing optimization
  • Remote monitoring
  • Weekly backup
  • 12 hours of modifications per year
  • 12 hours response time
  • Valid for Woocommerce
  • Speed optimization

Advanced Maintenance

150 /month
  • CORE Upgrades
  • Free and premium plugin upgrades*
  • Free and premium plugin upgrades*
  • 1 landing optimization
  • Disaster recovery
  • Remote monitoring
  • Daily backup
  • 24 hours of modifications per year
  • 6 hours response time
  • Valid for Woocommerce
  • Speed optimization

* The customer must have the license, which is not included in the price.

Do you have a WordPress Maintenance project in mind?
The Gecko Studio team is here to help you!

¿Quieres contratar alguno de nuestros planes?

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¿Tienes alguna duda?

En Gecko Studio te asesoramos sobre el plan más adecuado para tu empresa en función de tu mercado.

De conformidad con las normativas de protección de datos, le facilitamos la siguiente información del tratamiento:
Fines del tratamiento: mantener una relación comercial y enviar comunicaciones de productos o servicios
Derechos que le asisten: acceso, rectificación, portabilidad, supresión, limitación y oposición
Más información del tratamiento en la Política de privacidad

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You choose,
You decide

Do you have any doubts?

At Gecko Studio we adapt to your needs. We are professionals in the web world and we are happy to find the best solutions for each company.

In accordance with data protection regulations, we provide you with the following processing information: Responsible: DIGITEC IBIZA INFORMATICA, S.L. Purpose of processing: to maintain a commercial relationship and send communications about products or services Rights you have: access, rectification, portability, deletion, limitation and opposition
More information on the treatment can be found in the Privay policy

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