Content Marketing Plan or Strategy: What is it, How and When to do it?

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Content Marketing Plan or Strategy

Content marketing is an effective way to grow your brand. But how many businesses create a content marketing strategy that really pays off? When you build a content marketing strategy you must know what you are doing and why you are doing it.

We work to grow your online presence, the energy you invest in creating quality content will bring you closer to your business goal. As a content marketing agency we will help you to implement a content marketing plan.

Content Marketing Plan or Strategy: What is it, How and When to do it? 1
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No commitment. No additional costs. We value your project and needs that your website will face.

What is a content marketing strategy?

A content marketing strategy is a plan to build an audience by planning and disseminating frequent content that provides value to users and converts them into customers.

Business owners should assume that producing high quality content is very valuable to build trust with the target audience and be successful in the long run. In addition to attracting potential customers to your brand, you can leverage a copywriting strategy to facilitate sales and customer satisfaction.

Do you need a content marketing strategy?

  • Content disseminators who have a content marketing strategy feel more confident.
  • The challenges of content marketing do not seem so daunting if you have a strategy in place.
  • A content marketing strategy makes it easier to achieve your goals.
  • Helps companies to create profitable sources of traffic to their website and attract new potential customers
  • Business and copywriting go hand in hand if you want to help your customers and generate awareness for your brand.

Every company needs to follow the phases of a content marketing strategy. And best of all, at Gecko Studio we can help you create it.

Why choose Gecko Studio for your content marketing strategy?

Customized content for your brand

A content marketing strategy is not effective if it is not adapted to your company. We customize your content for:

  • Achieving your goals
  • Connect with your target audience
  • Show your brand identity
  • Be relevant in your industry
  • Fits your budget


In addition to being experts in creating content for different channels, we change the style of your content adapting it to your type of customers instead of basing it all on the same templates.

Attention to detail

We develop strategic plans and content calendars with consistency, we notice the little mistakes so that all your brand’s content is well polished and everything your users see is worthy of sharing.

Relevant content

You can rely on us to create your content marketing strategy because we always give them a practical approach and we always keep up to date with the latest news to use the best practices.

Solid references

You can see our reviews of other clients or past work from our portfolio and see how clients we have worked with over the years have achieved success in all their goals by working with us. Save yourself from investing in a company that creates a content marketing strategy without knowing what they are doing.

Request a quote

No commitment. No additional costs. We value your project and needs that your website will face.

How does Gecko Studio develop a content marketing strategy?

Business study

We collect possible information about your business, the products or services you sell and create your target to know what kind of audience we should address with the content marketing strategy and what kind of content they consume.

Competitive analysis

We analyze in general the content strategy of your direct competitors. We become aware of what is working for them and try a plan to improve it.

Decide on the types of content

We create content marketing copywriting to be used on your own website that can then be used and shared on other sites such as social networks.

Keyword Research

We do keyword research to gather important information, such as where your keywords rank, what keywords are easy to rank for, or what keywords your competitors are ranking for. In addition, this will give us the precise information about what people are looking for to make a content marketing strategy to position.

Publication schedule for articles

Maintaining an organized content marketing strategy is key. It will prevent failures such as publishing twice in a row talking about the same topic or neglecting already published articles. With a publishing calendar, you will be able to see our entire content marketing strategy for the next few months on a single screen

When to hire a content marketing strategy

If you need to build your brand and grow your business, you will need to have a content marketing strategy. It doesn’t matter what stage your business is in. It is always a good time to make an investment in content marketing.

Preferably before the project to have a coherent structure, build brand awareness and drive revenue. Hiring a content marketing strategy from the beginning gets organic search traffic and attracts visitors to your website.

If you hire it later, when your business has been running for some time, a content marketing strategy is also necessary as a fundamental part of the joint seo and content marketing strategy. Google likes content, and without valuable and well-planned content you will never reach the top of the search results.

Pricing of our content strategy

If you just want to write a few pages for your website, paying for a content marketing strategy for your brand may be a good option for you. However, many businesses include this cost as part of the SEO services.

1 article

per month
79 each article
  • Niche pre-selection
  • Text of 800 words
  • Keyword search

2 articles

per month
71 each article
  • Niche pre-selection
  • Text of 800 words
  • Keyword search

4 articles

per month
64 each article
  • Niche pre-selection
  • Text of 800 words
  • Keyword search

8 articles

per month
57 each article
  • Niche pre-selection
  • Text of 800 words
  • Keyword search

You can hire our content services based on your own planning. Just tell us what is the theme of your advertising content, what keyword you want it to be based on and what you want to highlight. We can plan your delivery schedule and adapt to your needs.

Are you ready to hire a team to develop a content marketing strategy that delivers results?

Contact us today to get started.

Request a quote

No commitment. No additional costs. We value your project and needs that your website will face.

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De conformidad con las normativas de protección de datos, le facilitamos la siguiente información del tratamiento:
Fines del tratamiento: mantener una relación comercial y enviar comunicaciones de productos o servicios
Derechos que le asisten: acceso, rectificación, portabilidad, supresión, limitación y oposición
Más información del tratamiento en la Política de privacidad

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¿Tienes alguna duda?

En Gecko Studio te asesoramos sobre el plan más adecuado para tu empresa en función de tu mercado.

De conformidad con las normativas de protección de datos, le facilitamos la siguiente información del tratamiento:
Fines del tratamiento: mantener una relación comercial y enviar comunicaciones de productos o servicios
Derechos que le asisten: acceso, rectificación, portabilidad, supresión, limitación y oposición
Más información del tratamiento en la Política de privacidad

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At Gecko Studio we advise you on the most suitable plan for your company depending on your market.

In accordance with data protection regulations, we provide you with the following processing information: Responsible: DIGITEC IBIZA INFORMATICA, S.L. Purpose of processing: to maintain a commercial relationship and send communications about products or services Rights you have: access, rectification, portability, deletion, limitation and opposition
More information on the treatment can be found in the Privay policy

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Do you have any doubts?

At Gecko Studio we adapt to your needs. We are professionals in the web world and we are happy to find the best solutions for each company.

In accordance with data protection regulations, we provide you with the following processing information: Responsible: DIGITEC IBIZA INFORMATICA, S.L. Purpose of processing: to maintain a commercial relationship and send communications about products or services Rights you have: access, rectification, portability, deletion, limitation and opposition
More information on the treatment can be found in the Privay policy

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